Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Pulpwood Queen Reports from BOOKS ALIVE Author Dinner!

Dear Readers,
What a wonderful night at The First United Methodist Church of Jefferson, Texas. We all gathered for the first event of our Books Alive, Christian and Inspirational Book Festival, our Author Dinner.
Starting from the bottom there is me, Kathy L. Patrick, with author, John Borgstedt of "I Love You Mom"! Next photo is our Pastor Allison Byerley with John and his fiance Virginia, what a lovely couple. I feel like I have known them forever.
Lots of folks came out for our event but do notice the kids in the sapphire and turquoise shirts? Introducing Jefferson's Junior High Youth Group with Kathryne LeBell in the middle representing Jefferson's FUMC Senior High Youth Group. The youth all came early to help set up for the event, decorate, and ran the daycare for parents who brought their young children. They all clamored to tell me they would be back today to help some more. Thank you Jacob, J.D., Hunter, Nikki, Richard, Kathryne, Shelby, Kelsey, and Paige! You kids just make me so proud! Thanks to Junior High Youth Director, Angi Underwood, for bringing out new shirts too! They are just awesome.
It's just like I always say, "Tell a child to do something and they might balk, but let your actions lead them to make the right choices and they will jump right in." I am very proud of our youth for stepping forward to volunteer to help for this Christian and Inspirational literacy endeavor.
Above the youth you will see local author, Mitchel Whitington and his wife, Tammy. Mitchel's latest book is "23" based on the 23rd Psalm. Then next author, Jane Anne Settle wearing blue with her niece, Leah Cooper. Jane Anne has written a book of the generations of her family called "The Women of the House".
On up wearing the black suit is our keynote speaker, Joseph Marshall III with his wife, Connie. His latest book is "Keeping On: The Art of Perseverance" and we all are looking forward to his talk. Joseph will also this afternoon be giving a demonstration of his archery skills as he is a master bowman. That should be something to see!
Somehow I missed getting a photo of author, Judy Christie who was in the crowd. Her latest book is "Gone to Green" and I also just found she will be giving our sermon at the church Girlfriend Weekend when she comes back for that event, January 13 - 17, 2010. I look forward to hearing her speak!
So up bright and early and headed to the church to get the coffee on to begin our full day of author panels at Books Alive! Won't you join us! The event is free but we are taking donations for the church. In fact, we are serving a terrific chili lunch too, donations only. More soon and for more on the program go to our church's website, and click on Books Alive!
I'm baking brownies right this minute for the luncheon and I can guarantee you will be entertained, enlightened, and inspired by all the authors featured!
Have a Blessed Day!
Kathy L. Patrick
Books Alive Program Director
P.S. A special THANK YOU to all the church members and Pulpwood Queens, Allison, Shirley, Kay, Vicki, Sandra, Jean, Ellen, Leah, Sue, Donna, Paula, who provided the fantabulous dishes for the Author Dinner and worked the event last night! You are the best!
And don't forget, tomorrow morning at our worship service, 11:00 a.m. the Jefferson FUMC Senior High and Junior High Youth will be performing the service with the authors giving testimony instead of our regular sermon! You are in for a real treat! To God be the Glory!
P.P.S. And my daily scripture today:
Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with our God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into his grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the joy of the hope of the Glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perserverance; perserverance, character; character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has give us. Romans 5: 1 -5 NIV

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