Friday, November 13, 2009

The KAT featured this Friday the 13th, but no worries, it's for BOOKS ALIVE!

Yes, that's me and my book, the old "Glory be to God" horse shamelessly self-promoting again. But you all, my intent is to get you so excited about reading that you'll want to travel all the way to historic Jefferson, Texas to meet some of the best authors in the country.
That's right, I am just the Books Alive Program Director who happened to write a book about my life and how books saved me. I know it is God's plan for me to inspire others to read "the good book" and good books. You see life is not about acquiring things. Life is not about the big job, the big paycheck. It's not about how much money you make or what kind of car you drive. Life is all about relationships, ours with God and then our family and friends. I just happen to believe to nuture those relationships we have to share our stories. The Bible is the greatest story ever told. Everyone too has a story and one that should be shared. My home is filled with stories. I have built a house of books that contains this stories and my husband truly believes our foundation is in jeopardy for all the books, hahahaha! I just believe that make God your foundation, the house will hold.
So today, the KAT, helps my church begin Books Alive, a Christian and Inspirational Book Festival here in historical Jefferson, Texas. We hope you will come to the First United Methodist Church tonight for our Author Dinner starting at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is bringing covered dishes and our pastor, Allison Byerley is grilling up pork tenderloins. Luscious desserts are in the works and the cost to meet the authors and share a meal? There is no charge but we are gratefully accepting donations as all this weekend's Books Alive events are a fundraiser for our church's mission and outreach.
We will have child care for families so all can come to the event. We hope all of you will come to hear some stories and share yours as well. You see everyone has a story. Some are just so incredible they are written into a book. I know that we have some authors coming that deserve to have their stories read. You will be inspired, you will be enlightened, and you will be entertained and perhaps, you too might join me and my church in this reading and writing life.
So what are you waiting for? Are you ready to be transformed through the good books of all the hand selected authors coming? Join Pastor Allison Byerley, authors, Joseph Marshall III, John Borgstedt, Judy Christie, Jane Settle, Mitchel Whitington and ME for a weekend where it's all about the story!
Go to to read all about it, click on Books Alive. Or email me at and I will personally send you the full program.
We also have some pretty incredible vendors and all the authors will have their books for sale. It's like they always say, "A book is a gift that keeps on giving" so perhaps you can Christmas shop and pick up some personally signed books for gifts this holiday season!
See you at The First United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall this evening, dinner starts at 7:00 p.m. and create a family memory!
To God be the Glory,
Kathy L. Patrick
Books Alive Program Director
Author of "The Pulpwood Queens' Tiara Wearing, Book Sharing Guide to Life", Grand Central Publishing
Founder of the Pulpwood Queens and Timber Guys Book Clubs
Beauty and the Book
608 North Polk Street
Jefferson, Texas 75657

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