Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Pulpwood Queen Reports on Saturday Event of Books Alive, our Christian and Inspirational Book Festival!

Dear Readers!
What joy it is this Sunday morning to post these photos and report on our Saturday event at our 5th Anniversary Girlfriend Weekend!
Directly above, you will see Keynote Speakers Sam Bracken and Echo Garrett of My Orange Duffel Bag. I do believe that I can speak for all, our lives are changed from hearing this story! I encourage you all to go to to see the trailer and read of this man's powerful story of his life and now his mission to help homeless teens and those aging out of foster care. Not a dry eye in the church folks and now they will be speaking this Sunday morning at The First United Methodist Church of Jefferson, Texas at 11:00 a.m., hope to see you there.
Pastor Allison Byerley began our blessed day in prayer and the following authors shared their lives, story, and books:
Sam Bracken and Echo Garrett who will be our featured speakers at church this Sunday morning.
Judy Christie
Missy Buchanan who will give the devotion this Sunday morning.
Carla Stewart
Texas Poet Laureate, Karla K. Morton who will also read a poem at this morning worship service
Marybeth Whalen
Larry Linam
Tom Greer
Pastor Paul Keener
Every story was unique and inspiring. This may not be my biggest book festival but is a personal favorite and so intimate and life affirming.
Now I must ready for church as Books Alive continues with our worship service and hopefully all of our author's stories will carry us through our days ahead until next year!
God Bless You All and KEEP READING, your life will be blessed if you do!
Kathy L. Patrick
FUMC Senior High Youth Leader
Author of "The Pulpwood Queens' Tiara Wearing, Book Sharing Guide to Life"
Founder of the Pulpwood Queens and Timber Guys Book Clubs
Beauty and the Book
608 North Polk Street
Jefferson, Texas 75657

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