Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Pulpwood Queen Recaps Sunday Morning Worship Service of Books Alive Weekend!

Dear Readers,
We always conclude our Books Alive, Christian and Inspirational Book Festival with our Sunday Morning Worship Service at the First United Methodist Church here in historic Jefferson, Texas.
This Sunday was so special as highlights of the service: Author, Missy Buchanan led the devotion, Texas Poet Laureate Karla K. Morton read two of her poems, and the our Keynote Speaker for Books Alive, Sam Bracken spoke to our church members.
Choir Director, pianist, and organist Jennifer Rich Smith played for the service and accompanied our NEW "Make a Joyful NOISE" Youth Group Rhythm group led by Raymond Harris with Mark Tang and I playing along with the kids. The church choir then did a presentation with Diana Furlough and Tina McNeely as duel soloists that brought me to tears it was so beautiful. But I have to tell you our little ones made a "JOYFUL NOISE" too when Pastor Allison Byerley did the children's sermon. They got a big surprise when Allison passed out the triangles, and rhythm instruments as people in the congregation joined in with their soda bottle rattles! We indeed, made a JOYFUL NOISE unto the LORD!
What a befitting ending to the weekend but actually a NEW beginning. I think every single person who witnessed this weekend's event life was changed for the better. Our dynamic speakers with their incredible sharing of stories inspires us to read, write, and pay it forward. I know for me, I can hardly wait to put forth all the good lessons I learned from this weekend.
Make a joyful noise indeed and for me that will be promoting authors, books, literacy, and reading one on one, in book groups, and through festivals. Do you want to fill your life with JOY! Become a reader and help support wonderful literacy promoting events such as Books Alive. We all have gifts and it does not have to be money. You can donate your time to perhaps help get the word out on our festival and more. What are your talents and gifts?
There was something for the whole family at this event and we helped a lot of authors and great local causes too which I'll be reporting on soon.
Now as we go into the holidays and Christmas, perhaps you might share a story! And don't forget, mark your calendar for November 20th, Saturday as I am having a Holiday Open House with vendors, and goodies, and FREE GIFT WRAP! But even more important to me, come by to share a story for life is all about relationships and our loving one another! Share the BIG LOVE and we share see you in the shop this week! God Bless You ALL!!!
Tiara wearing, Beauty and the Book sharing,
Kathy L. Patrick
Author of "The Pulpwood Queens' Tiara Wearing, Book Sharing Guide to Life"
Founder of the Pulpwood Queens and Timber Guys Book Clubs
Beauty and the Book
608 North Polk Street
Jefferson, Texas 75657

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